Special Offer for New Members

As a new member, you have the option to use this one time offer. Enjoy your first week of unlimited classes for FREE, and then 1 month of unlimited classes for $65 (half the regular cost!).

In-Person Classes

  • Our in-person classes are located in two downtown locations: 42 Quebec St. (Guelph Youth Dance), and 17 Gordon St. (Moonlight Yoga).
  • Pre-registration is required to ensure your spot. Missed classes can be made up in any other class (in-person or on-line). Drop-ins are welcome, space permitting.
  • Please bring your own mat, yoga tie, and a blanket (to use as a prop to sit on or as extra cushion for your knees).

Morning Practice with Jacqueline Tuesdays April 8 – June 24,
9:30am – 10:45am
42 Quebec St. (Guelph Youth Dance) The door at street level is locked after 9:30am. Please arrive early! 12 weeks, $244
Drop-in, $22
Evening Practice All Levels with Jacqueline Wednesdays April 9 – June 25,
7pm – 8:15pm
17 Gordon St. (Moonlight Yoga) Plenty of parking on side streets. 12 weeks, $244
Drop-in, $22
Yoga for Better Bones & Balance with Elisabeth Thursdays April 10 – June 26,
3pm – 4pm
17 Gordon St. (Moonlight Yoga) No stairs and plenty of parking on side streets.

11 weeks, $224
Drop-in, $22


Slow Flow with Jacqueline Fridays April 11 – June 27,
9:30am – 10:30am
42 Quebec St. (Guelph Youth Dance)

The door at street level is locked after 9:30am. Please arrive early!


11 weeks, $224
Drop-in, $22


Morning Practice
with Jacqueline Gilbey

Tuesdays April 8 – June 24, 9:30am – 10:45am
12 Weeks, $244
Drop-In, $22
Location: 42 Quebec St. (Guelph Youth Dance)

Start your day with a Morning Practice to get grounded and open your heart. Find strength and stability to face your day with confidence. Awaken the mind to bring lightness and compassion to yourself and to those we meet as move through the day.

Evening Practice All Levels
with Jacqueline Gilbey

Wednesdays April 9 – June 25, 7pm – 8:15pm
12 Weeks, $244
Drop-in, $22

Location: 17 Gordon St. (Moonlight Yoga)

Land in your body and discover what you haven’t felt before! Or rediscover what you have forgotten. This class includes time to settle, to stretch and move, to breathe and focus, and to come home to your self. Focus will be on releasing tension from the day to welcome the nourishing aspects of night time and sleep. Modifications are given for all levels of experience. 

Yoga for Better Bones & Balance
with Elisabeth Schramm

Thursdays April 10 – June 26, 2pm – 3pm 
11 Weeks, $224
Drop-in, $22

Location: 17 Gordon St. (Moonlight Yoga)

Explore traditional yoga practices with a focus on building strength and enhancing balance. With the addition of weight bearing practices we have the potential to strengthen and build bones. Yoga has already helped many of us improve our balance. Elisabeth has been very inspired by what she’s learned in a 75 hour training “Teaching Yoga for Osteoporosis”. This class is appropriate for students with or without this diagnosis. Chairs will be available for students who prefer to have that support. Bring your yoga mat along to class, and a long Theraband if you have one. Latex-free Therabands will be available to purchase for $10 at your first class.

Slow Flow
with Jacqueline Gilbey

Fridays April 11 – June 27, 9:30am – 10:30am
11 Weeks, $224
Drop-In, $22
Location: 42 Quebec St. (Guelph Youth Dance)

Slow flow is about slowing down and bringing awareness to your mind-body connection. The slower pace allows you to gradually warm up joints and muscles with time to explore the poses, giving attention to form and alignment. We practise mindfulness, breath awareness, flexibility, balance, and strength, finishing with deep rest.

Adaptations/modifications will be offered as needed. Participants are invited to make choices in how to make the practice their own.

Monthly Classes

Monthly Restorative with Lisa Silverstein


Mondays April 14, May 12, June 16
8pm – 9pm  

$19 (includes tax), Passes and Memberships welcome

Rest and relaxation have a deep rejuvenating power and are needed now more than ever. By using props to support the body, the poses can be held for longer periods, allowing the awareness and breath to move deeply inside. As the body progressively relaxes, there is an opportunity for layers of stress and tension to melt away and healing and renewal to take place. For our online classes please have on hand a bolster (or 2 large cushions), 2 blankets, a yoga strap or scarf, a small hand towel, and option for an eye pillow, mask, or eye covering. Suitable for all levels of practitioners.


(519) 993-1813

Follow Us

160 Grove St.
Guelph ON N1E 2W7

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