Meditation Classes & Weekly Sits
These classes (with the exception of Earth Meditation) are On-Line. You can attend by simply clicking on the Zoom Link here: SUNRISE MEDITAITON
Following the 2,500-year-old Buddhist tradition, the teachings are considered priceless and so are offered freely. We practice dana, or generosity, by offering a donation for the meditation teachings. Dana is not a payment for goods or services, but comes from the heart. For Elisabeth’s classes, please send e-transfer to elisabethschramm@gmail.com.
Sunrise Meditation Online
Thursdays 7am – 7:45am
Arrive on your cushion in the stillness of the morning and begin your day with a settled body and open mind. The session will begin with brief teaching and instructions informed by the Buddha’s teachings. Some guidance is offered during stationary meditation practice (seated or reclined) which is about 30 minutes. For those who have the flexibility in their schedule, there will be time for discussion (inquiry) until 8:00 a.m. Please feel welcome to attend even if you need to sign off early.
In the Buddhist spirit of dana (generosity) these classes are offered freely. Any donation toward the classes would be welcomed and can be made directly to Elisabeth.
E-trans: elisaschramm@gmail.com (no password required)
Paypal: paypal.me/Elisabeth778
Mondays 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Join Elisabeth for these Metta Mondays, a meditation to cultivate compassion and kindness, inwardly and outwardly. No experience necessary. If attending in-person, please bring something to sit comfortably on the floor. These classes are “pay what you can”, and you have the option to attend in-person at 20 Douglas St., Guelph (barres + bells), or on-line through Zoom.
Please book your spot by going to our class schedule here: SCHEDULE

Meditation Retreat Day
Meditation is a way to come home to ourselves, to reconnect with what it is to live in this human body, without the roles and responsibilities we have in daily life. We will explore various meditation practices – sitting, standing, walking and mindful movement, in a way that is welcoming to all, including those who have never attended a day long. The schedule will include a 90 minute lunch period, to enjoy mindfully eating, with time to walk the trails, or rest in the retreat centre.
Offered by Elisabeth Schramm,
Community Meditation & Yoga Teacher
$90, plus Dana (donation),
includes simple catered lunch, snacks and tea.
Caregiver and Bereavement support
Offered on Tuesdays, alternating one week in the afternoon @ 2:00 and the other in the evening @ 7:30. If you are caring for a loved one during these turbulent times, we invite you to join with others to nourish yourself in the supportive company of other care-givers. An opportunity to connect & practice meditation in a welcoming space. This group is appropriate for all. We meet virtually on zoom. Send an email to: meditationpacg@gmail.com for the zoom link.
Contact: Elisabeth Schramm for info. (elisaschramm@gmail.com, 519-994-7780), in collaboration with True North Insight Meditation teachers: Joan, Gilberte and Benoit (truenorthinsight.org)
Earth Meditation
The first Sunday of each month in St. George’s Park, Guelph – drop in, rain or shine, at 8:00 a.m. Optional Dana will be shared with Indigenous Climate Action. https://www.

Meditative Counseling
With Ken Hood
“Change your mind. Change your life.”
I am offering a new form of support and practice, called Meditative Counseling. Drawn from over 30 years of working with people one-on-one and in various sized groups and settings, it generally involves a combination of conversation (inquiry). meditation and practical instruction. This approach can be short or long term i.e. weeks, months, even years; weekly or bi-weekly and in-person or on-line. Whatever works best for you!
During our time together, we will identify the area(s) of life where you are having difficulty, or want to excel even more, through greater focus, mental clarity, self-compassion, resilience and skillfulness. Together we will create a customized “bundle” of re-frames, meditations and mind-training practices for you to do this. I personally believe that in this age of distress, distraction, information overload and dopamine addiction, if you are not intentionally training your mind, you are in a real sense falling behind!
People who reach out to me are often working with:
a feeling of being stuck.
challenges at home or at work.
the loss of a meaningful orientation to life.
serious illness injury or a related loss of capacity.
a mental challenge.*
the prospect of dying and death, yourself or with someone you love.
the strangeness and uncertainty of these times, which includes the looming distress of climate change, late stage capitalism and other aspects of the poly-crisis that we are living through.
[*Meditative Counseling is not therapy or psychotherapy, but it can be used to complement it. Meditation is not recommended if you are experiencing a psychosis or serious delusional states, and should be used very, very carefully in trauma work.]
I have also been finding some interest by clients, in studying Buddhist ideas and practices, mostly in a non-religious way!
Sessions are usually a little over an hour, and cost $100 which includes HST
A sliding scale is available, depending on need.
If you have any questions or want to book a session, please contact me at jacquie.ken@gmail.com
(519) 993-1813
Follow Us
160 Grove St.
Guelph N1E 2W7
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