with Jacqueline Gilbey
Daily Monday April 27th – May 1st, 7am – 8:15am
$75 + hst, Register Here
Drop-ins welcome, $18
Are there rusty paint cans, broken bikes, and old golf clubs in your garage? How about in your basement, are there boxes of books, stacks of movies, CDs, fabric from the 1980s that you are still thinking you’ll make curtains out of?
This will be a week of early morning yoga and meditation practice to highlight one of the Niyamas of Yoga: Sauca, or cleanliness, purity, clearness. We start here, setting an intention to make space in our mind and body. When the mind and body are less cluttered, the world around us becomes more manageable. With movement, breath, and focused attention, we will create the inner environment to unclutter our day…and possibly even get to the stack of papers on the desk!
All levels of practice are welcome.
Jacqueline Gilbey
Jacqueline’s practice and study come from the awareness and compassion teachings from the Buddhist and Yoga traditions. Her yoga training comes from a mix of traditions and perspectives; primarily from the methods of Vanda Scaravelli, Jayelle Lindsay, Hart Lazer, and from her various teachers and colleagues. Together, with her husband Ken Hood, she has taught and facilitated several meditation groups in their community since the late ’80s. Jacqueline’s classes reflect her own intention to find freedom in the body, heart, and mind with wisdom and kindness. Together with her husband, Ken Hood, she is co-director of Arrive Yoga & Mindfulness.
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